Basic Programming in Python

Course material for the class Basic Programming in Python. The class is taught during the summer term 2017 at the University of Osnabrück by Aline Vilks and Sebastian Höffner. You can find all raw files on GitHub.

View the Project on GitHub shoeffner/monty

Course material

If you find any mistakes, have some questions or anything else, feel free to drop me a line (

Course outline

  1. print('Hello Python!') (No recording)
  2. Variables, Assignments, and Functions (Recording seems to be gone, old recording link)
  3. True or False (Recording)
  4. Collections and File I/O (Recording)
  5. Handling Errors and Debugging (Recording)
  6. Python Packages (Recording)
  7. Sorting and Object Oriented Programming (Recording (No beamer))
  8. Practical Python (Recording (No beamer))
  9. Errors and Finite State Machines (Recording (No beamer))
  10. Regular Expressions and HTTP (Recordings seems to be gone, old recording link)
  11. Datetime and documentation (Recording seems to be gone, old recording link)
  12. Plotting (Recording)
  13. GUI – What next? (Recording)

Unfortunately there is no recording of the first session available. Due to technical issues, no recordings of the beamer presentations are available for sessions 7, 8, and 9. The last session was not recorded because it covered only student presentations, it is also not listed here.

Because the VirtUOS changed the way the videos work, it seems some recordings might be lost, also the player does not seem to load fast at the moment. If you are interested in the recordings, drop me a line and I will try to make it work.