gaze  0.1.0
Perform gaze tracking with common webcams.
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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
oMathematical Special Functions [external]
oFrequently Asked Questions [external]
oCUDA Module Introduction [external]
oIntroduction [external]
oColor conversions [external]
oVideo I/O with OpenCV Overview [external]
oMachine Learning Overview [external]
oBioinspired Module Retina Introduction [external]
oFace module changelog [external]
oCamera calibration With OpenCV [external]
oCamera calibration with square chessboard [external]
oInteractive camera calibration application [external]
oReal Time pose estimation of a textured object [external]
oCamera calibration and 3D reconstruction (calib3d module) [external]
oAdding (blending) two images using OpenCV [external]
oBasic Drawing [external]
oChanging the contrast and brightness of an image! [external]
oDiscrete Fourier Transform [external]
oFile Input and Output using XML and YAML files [external]
oHow to scan images, lookup tables and time measurement with OpenCV [external]
oIntelĀ® IPP Asynchronous C/C++ library in OpenCV [external]
oHow to use the OpenCV parallel_for_ to parallelize your code [external]
oInteroperability with OpenCV 1 [external]
oMask operations on matrices [external]
oOperations with images [external]
oMat - The Basic Image Container [external]
oRandom generator and text with OpenCV [external]
oThe Core Functionality (core module) [external]
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oLoad Caffe framework models [external]
oHow to enable Halide backend for improve efficiency [external]
oHow to schedule your network for Halide backend [external]
oHow to run deep networks in browser [external]
oYOLO DNNs [external]
oDeep Neural Networks (dnn module) [external]
oAKAZE local features matching [external]
oAKAZE and ORB planar tracking [external]
oDetection of planar objects [external]
oFeature Description [external]
oFeature Detection [external]
oFeature Matching with FLANN [external]
oFeatures2D + Homography to find a known object [external]
oBasic concepts of the homography explained with code [external]
o2D Features framework (feature2d module) [external]
oDetecting corners location in subpixeles [external]
oCreating yor own corner detector [external]
oShi-Tomasi corner detector [external]
oHarris corner detector [external]
oSimilarity check (PNSR and SSIM) on the GPU [external]
oUsing a cv::cuda::GpuMat with thrust [external]
oGPU-Accelerated Computer Vision (cuda module) [external]
oHigh Level GUI and Media (highgui module) [external]
oAdding a Trackbar to our applications! [external]
oReading Geospatial Raster files with GDAL [external]
oImage Input and Output (imgcodecs module) [external]
oEroding and Dilating [external]
oSmoothing Images [external]
oBack Projection [external]
oHistogram Calculation [external]
oHistogram Comparison [external]
oHistogram Equalization [external]
oTemplate Matching [external]
oHit-or-Miss [external]
oCanny Edge Detector [external]
oAdding borders to your images [external]
oImage Segmentation with Distance Transform and Watershed Algorithm [external]
oMaking your own linear filters! [external]
oHough Circle Transform [external]
oHough Line Transform [external]
oLaplace Operator [external]
oRemapping [external]
oSobel Derivatives [external]
oAffine Transformations [external]
oExtract horizontal and vertical lines by using morphological operations [external]
oMore Morphology Transformations [external]
oImage Pyramids [external]
oCreating Bounding boxes and circles for contours [external]
oCreating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours [external]
oFinding contours in your image [external]
oConvex Hull [external]
oImage Moments [external]
oPoint Polygon Test [external]
oImage Processing (imgproc module) [external]
oBasic Thresholding Operations [external]
oThresholding Operations using inRange [external]
oIntroduction into Android Development [external]
oUse OpenCL in Android camera preview based CV application [external]
oAndroid Development with OpenCV [external]
oOpenCV4Android SDK [external]
oUsing OpenCV with biicode dependency manager [external]
oBuilding OpenCV for Tegra with CUDA [external]
oIntroduction to OpenCV Development with Clojure [external]
oCross referencing OpenCV from other Doxygen projects [external]
oCross compilation for ARM based Linux systems [external]
oIntroduction to Java Development [external]
oLoad and Display an Image [external]
oWriting documentation for OpenCV [external]
oInstallation in iOS [external]
oUsing OpenCV Java with Eclipse [external]
oUsing OpenCV with Eclipse (plugin CDT) [external]
oUsing OpenCV with gcc and CMake [external]
oInstallation in Linux [external]
oLoad, Modify, and Save an Image [external]
oIntroduction to OpenCV [external]
oTransition guide [external]
oInstallation in Windows [external]
oImage Watch: viewing in-memory images in the Visual Studio debugger [external]
oHow to build applications with OpenCV inside the "Microsoft Visual Studio" [external]
oOpenCV iOS Hello [external]
oOpenCV iOS - Image Processing [external]
oOpenCV iOS [external]
oOpenCV iOS - Video Processing [external]
oIntroduction to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [external]
oIntroduction to Support Vector Machines [external]
oSupport Vector Machines for Non-Linearly Separable Data [external]
oMachine Learning (ml module) [external]
oCascade Classifier [external]
oObject Detection (objdetect module) [external]
oCascade Classifier Training [external]
oHigh Dynamic Range Imaging [external]
oComputational photography (photo module) [external]
oHigh level stitching API (Stitcher class) [external]
oImages stitching (stitching module) [external]
oOpenCV Tutorials [external]
oHow to Use Background Subtraction Methods [external]
oVideo analysis (video module) [external]
oUsing Creative Senz3D and other Intel Perceptual Computing SDK compatible depth sensors [external]
oUsing Kinect and other OpenNI compatible depth sensors [external]
oVideo Input and Output (videoio module) [external]
oVideo Input with OpenCV and similarity measurement [external]
oCreating a video with OpenCV [external]
oCreating Widgets [external]
oCreating a 3D histogram [external]
oLaunching Viz [external]
oOpenCV Viz [external]
oTransformations [external]
oPose of a widget [external]
oHow OpenCV-Python Bindings Works? [external]
oOpenCV-Python Bindings [external]
oCamera Calibration [external]
oDepth Map from Stereo Images [external]
oEpipolar Geometry [external]
oPose Estimation [external]
oCamera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction [external]
oBasic Operations on Images [external]
oArithmetic Operations on Images [external]
oPerformance Measurement and Improvement Techniques [external]
oCore Operations [external]
oBRIEF (Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features) [external]
oFAST Algorithm for Corner Detection [external]
oFeature Matching + Homography to find Objects [external]
oHarris Corner Detection [external]
oUnderstanding Features [external]
oFeature Matching [external]
oORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) [external]
oShi-Tomasi Corner Detector & Good Features to Track [external]
oIntroduction to SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) [external]
oIntroduction to SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features) [external]
oFeature Detection and Description [external]
oDrawing Functions in OpenCV [external]
oGetting Started with Images [external]
oMouse as a Paint-Brush [external]
oGui Features in OpenCV [external]
oTrackbar as the Color Palette [external]
oGetting Started with Videos [external]
oCanny Edge Detection [external]
oChanging Colorspaces [external]
oContour Features [external]
oContour Properties [external]
oContours : Getting Started [external]
oContours Hierarchy [external]
oContours : More Functions [external]
oContours in OpenCV [external]
oSmoothing Images [external]
oGeometric Transformations of Images [external]
oInteractive Foreground Extraction using GrabCut Algorithm [external]
oImage Gradients [external]
oHistograms - 3 : 2D Histograms [external]
oHistogram - 4 : Histogram Backprojection [external]
oHistograms - 1 : Find, Plot, Analyze !!! [external]
oHistograms - 2: Histogram Equalization [external]
oHistograms in OpenCV [external]
oHough Circle Transform [external]
oHough Line Transform [external]
oMorphological Transformations [external]
oImage Pyramids [external]
oImage Processing in OpenCV [external]
oTemplate Matching [external]
oImage Thresholding [external]
oFourier Transform [external]
oImage Transforms in OpenCV [external]
oImage Segmentation with Watershed Algorithm [external]
oK-Means Clustering [external]
oK-Means Clustering in OpenCV [external]
oUnderstanding K-Means Clustering [external]
oK-Nearest Neighbour [external]
oOCR of Hand-written Data using kNN [external]
oUnderstanding k-Nearest Neighbour [external]
oUnderstanding SVM [external]
oSupport Vector Machines (SVM) [external]
oOCR of Hand-written Data using SVM [external]
oMachine Learning [external]
oFace Detection using Haar Cascades [external]
oObject Detection [external]
oHigh Dynamic Range (HDR) [external]
oImage Inpainting [external]
oImage Denoising [external]
oComputational Photography [external]
oIntroduction to OpenCV-Python Tutorials [external]
oInstall OpenCV-Python in Fedora [external]
oInstall OpenCV-Python in Ubuntu [external]
oInstall OpenCV-Python in Windows [external]
oIntroduction to OpenCV [external]
oOpenCV-Python Tutorials [external]
oBackground Subtraction [external]
oOptical Flow [external]
oMeanshift and Camshift [external]
oVideo Analysis [external]
oBasic Operations on Images [external]
oArithmetic Operations on Images [external]
oSome Data Structures [external]
oCore Operations [external]
oGetting Started with Images [external]
oGUI Features [external]
oAdd a Trackbar to Your Application [external]
oGetting Started with Videos [external]
oCanny Edge Detection [external]
oChanging Colorspaces [external]
oContour Features [external]
oContour Properties [external]
oContours : Getting Started [external]
oContours Hierarchy [external]
oContours : More Functions [external]
oContours in OpenCV.js [external]
oSmoothing Images [external]
oGeometric Transformations of Images [external]
oForeground Extraction using GrabCut Algorithm [external]
oImage Gradients [external]
oHistogram - 3 : Histogram Backprojection [external]
oHistograms - 1 : Find, Plot, Analyze !!! [external]
oHistograms - 2: Histogram Equalization [external]
oHistograms in OpenCV.js [external]
oHough Circle Transform [external]
oHough Line Transform [external]
oImage Processing for Video Capture [external]
oMorphological Transformations [external]
oImage Pyramids [external]
oImage Processing [external]
oTemplate Matching [external]
oImage Thresholding [external]
oFourier Transform [external]
oImage Transforms in OpenCV.js [external]
oImage Segmentation with Watershed Algorithm [external]
oFace Detection using Haar Cascades [external]
oFace Detection in Video Capture [external]
oObject Detection [external]
oIntroduction to OpenCV.js and Tutorials [external]
oBuild OpenCV.js [external]
oIntroduction to OpenCV.js [external]
oUsing OpenCV.js [external]
oOpenCV.js Tutorials [external]
oBackground Subtraction [external]
oOptical Flow [external]
oMeanshift and Camshift [external]
oVideo Analysis [external]
oDetection of ArUco Boards [external]
oCalibration with ArUco and ChArUco [external]
oDetection of ArUco Markers [external]
oAruco module FAQ [external]
oDetection of ChArUco Corners [external]
oDetection of Diamond Markers [external]
oArUco marker detection (aruco module) [external]
oProcessing images causing optical illusions [external]
oRetina and real-world vision [external]
oDiscovering the human retina and its use for image processing [external]
oMulti-camera Calibration [external]
oOmnidirectional Cameara Calibration [external]
oTraining data generation using Icosphere [external]
oClassify [external]
oTraining Model Analysis [external]
oCNN for 3D Object Classification and Pose Estimation [external]
oInteractive Visual Debugging of Computer Vision applications [external]
oFace landmark detection in an image [external]
oface_landmark_trainer [external]
oFace landmark detection in a video [external]
oFace swapping using face landmark detection [external]
oFace Recognition with OpenCV [external]
oTutorials for face module [external]
oUsing the FacemarkAAM [external]
oAdding a new algorithm to the Facemark API [external]
oTutorial on Facial Landmark Detector API [external]
oUsing the Facemark API [external]
oFiltering using F-transform [external]
oFuzzy image processing tutorials [external]
oInpainting using F-transform [external]
oF-transform theory [external]
oLine Features Tutorial [external]
oPhase Unwrapping tutorial [external]
oUnwrap two-dimensional phase maps [external]
oImport Reconstruction [external]
oSFM module installation [external]
oScene Reconstruction [external]
oCamera Motion Estimation [external]
oStructure From Motion [external]
oCapture Gray code pattern tutorial [external]
oCapture Sinusoidal pattern tutorial [external]
oDecode Gray code pattern tutorial [external]
oStructured Light tutorials [external]
oTesseract (master) installation by using git-bash (version>=2.14.1) and cmake (version >=3.9.1) [external]
oText module [external]
oCustomizing the CN Tracker [external]
oIntroduction to OpenCV Tracker [external]
oUsing MultiTracker [external]
oDisparity map post-filtering [external]
oStructured forests for fast edge detection [external]
oStructured forest training [external]
oTraining the learning-based white balance algorithm [external]
oTutorials for contrib modules [external]
oOpenCV modules [external]
oTodo List